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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 07 Jul 2009 : 05:00:27
Watch this space !!

Brits offered 10 pound trip to Australia
AAP July 7, 2009, 2:32 pm


Britons are expected to rush for working holiday visas to snap up $20 air tickets to Australia.

AAP © [Enlarge photo]


In an offer almost too good to be true, British travellers will soon be able to fly to Australia for less than the price of a guidebook.

In a take on the term "10 pound Pom" - originally coined to describe British citizens who migrated to Australia after World War II - the scheme will allow Brits to travel Down Under for just STG10 ($A20.42).

The move to boost the tourism industry will see 150 Qantas tickets to Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane or Adelaide available for anyone with a valid Working Holiday Visa.

Travellers will be able to return home whenever they wish.

The limited tickets will be available from STA Travel outlets across the UK on August 5 on a first-come, first-served basis.

The fare is available for departures between August 15 and September 30 and November 1 to 30.

Would-be travellers are being encouraged to camp out for the tax-inclusive tickets, which are expected to be snapped up within hours.

Those who miss out will be offered special Qantas return airfares at STG679 ($A1,386.56).

STA Travel group managing director John Constable said people were looking for good value holidays in the current climate.

"And it doesn't come much better than Oz for just a tenner," he said in a statement.

"The 10-pound Pom is an opportunity for Brits to experience all that Australia has to offer, from working a vineyard in Margaret River to learning to surf on Bondi Beach."

More than 35,000 young Brits travel on the working holiday program each year, Tourism Australia's UK/Europe general manager Rodney Harrex said.

"The original 10-pound Pom assisted passage scheme resulted in a British fascination with the faraway land of Oz that has endured every since," he said in a statement.

Mr Harrex said it was hoped the offer would boost awareness of Australia's working holiday program, encouraging more 18 to 30-year-olds to come in the future.

Interested travellers should visit

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