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T O P I C    R E V I E W
jim@souljoyrecordsPosted - 18 Jan 2007 : 22:03:09
Hey folks with the growing popularity of Jesus Joshua 24:15 many contacts are being made for performance dates. Ohio Florida to name a couple of states. If you have a venue near you that you would like to tour to visit just jot it all down here and we will get on it. ROCK ON FOR JESUS cause its the only way to live...
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AnonJrPosted - 19 Jun 2009 : 07:28:24
only if you supply the flight too...
ShredheadPosted - 19 Jun 2009 : 01:12:01
Caloundra , Queensland ! I'll supply the surf......and the dangerous creepy crawlies.....I know how much Will loves that .
BassGuitar777Posted - 18 Jun 2009 : 20:12:37
Could you play near Akron, Ohio any time soon?

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