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T O P I C    R E V I E W
ShredheadPosted - 10 Dec 2008 : 01:52:21
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
AXEMAN2415Posted - 20 Dec 2008 : 23:24:35
They'll have to get One foot out the door...
ShredheadPosted - 20 Dec 2008 : 05:00:26
So you agree , they'll be.... tried & convicted , it's winner takes all ?
AXEMAN2415Posted - 19 Dec 2008 : 15:52:17
I don't know> Either way, they'll suffer a loss of control....
ShredheadPosted - 17 Dec 2008 : 05:47:48
Hmmm , yes . Quite the astute observation Mr Rauser . One must wonder , will Coldplay hit the ground runnin , or end up in chains ?
AXEMAN2415Posted - 16 Dec 2008 : 00:07:40
Here's to you thin red line....oooo, I'm crossing over...
ShredheadPosted - 13 Dec 2008 : 17:29:11
One would hope that Satch , " knows the laaaaw friend " .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 12 Dec 2008 : 17:57:42
Or was it Roth that prognosticated,"Hear 'bout it later"?
ShredheadPosted - 11 Dec 2008 : 22:57:04
I think it was that great 20th century philosopher David Lee Roth , who said , " Hang em high ".......Satch .
AXEMAN2415Posted - 10 Dec 2008 : 16:21:49
Well, I do think that this isn't just "some coincidence." Yes, it is true that many songs share chord progressions (particularly in Western harmony) and that sometimes notes will fall similarly. But, this sounds like blatant plagiarism, not an ironic coincidence. When you have chords, melodies, and rhythms that fall almost exactly the same, that is no coincidence, and I think Satch should make an example of Coldplay.

Of course, I can't stand Coldplay, and I love Satriani, so maybe I am somewhat biased. However, even in the court of public opinion, it is fairly obvious that Coldplay isn't just "paying tribute", they are outright stealing.

As a side note, this is where the real danger of copywrite infringement and theft of intellectual property is. It isn't in someone getting music for free. It is in blatant plagiarism.
AnonJrPosted - 10 Dec 2008 : 09:05:51
I saw an article on that way back on 5 Dec. -

and I've been wondering if I should post anything about it or not. I still haven't gathered all my thoughts on the subject.

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