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T O P I C R E V I E W | AnonJr | Posted - 28 Jul 2007 : 19:37:41 Just a random, semi-organized collection of thoughts for your consideration. I've been meaning to post this and several other ideas as a precursor to writing a book. I'd like to organize my thoughts a little... you'd think it be easier with so little material. 
So here this one goes:
Going to the gym I find that I have a lot of time to think while I work on my Power Amp lifting muscles. I've noticed that some people just go through the motions of working out without really working out. This manifests itself in a few different ways.
For instance, I often see some of the guys in the free-weights area who use sloppy technique to lift large loads - and at best aren't really doing the work it looks like they are doing, at worst they are damaging their joints and/or tearing muscles through their improper technique. If I had to guess this probably stems from either no understanding of the proper technique (and/or a lack of understanding of the danger) or they are too caught up in looking impressive... or a combination of the two.
In other areas I see the people who have perfect (or near perfect) technique, but they aren't really pushing themselves. You can see how little effort is being used to lift those 12 lbs. - and while they aren't damaging their bodies via their technique, they aren't doing themselves any good because they aren't really doing anything. They just seem to be going through the motions.
And this is what has really struck me. I've noticed that this is often the reason why people quit and/or consider working out to be useless. They whine "I go to the gym 6 days a week and I never seem to loose any weight" or "Why can't I seem to ever lift any more than I am now?" - and the sad truth is because they aren't really lifting, they're going through the motions. They're coming to the gym, moving weights, but not really pushing themselves.
I've noticed this swimming too. I see people at the pool all the time who complain that swimming didn't seem to be all it was cracked up to be fitness wise, but they never really pushed themselves.
I think people do this in their walk with God too. They read the bible, but they don't study the bible. They know the verses, but they don't understand what is going on.
Or maybe its just me? | 13 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 01 Aug 2007 : 16:22:04 Yes, I do, CB. | Captain Blasto | Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 22:20:59 Yeah... You know I was just kidding Axe ..  | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 17:42:16 Allow me to add that I have, in the past, "played church", and tried to rely on my folks' religion, and put up the front. It is going through the motions, and like Anon said, it accomplishes nothing. It may have made things worse for me in the long run. This is where God's grace is extended even to the falsely pious, and that is what I was. I am not proud of it, and I certainly realize that I was in no better spiritual condition than any drunkard or prostitute. | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 17:38:05 quote: Actually I always seem to feel a little defensive about these kinds of topics because when I look at myself I never quite feel that I'm where I should and/or would like to be...(progress-wise) Spiritually and otherwise... but I guess that's the way it is for everyone... except for Axe!!!
Of course I know you're joking (and it's a good one), but I must take some pause and let everyone know,if I have ever given the slightest inclination that I have got it completely together spiritually, then I am certainly wrong. I have about as much confusion and lack of understanding as anyone else..probably more.
I, like our fair Captain, feel very inadequate many times. Believe me, I am still working out my salvation with fear and trembling.
| Shredhead | Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 03:08:28 quote: First off... Just for the record and to prevent any unnecessary, premature, misguided gloating....
Oh , I agree Capn . To be Australian AND a gloat , would be superfluous 
I agree with all....except Will , just because I can lol .
Regarding my post , I was speaking personally . While I'd certainly confront blatant sin , as Paul tells us to , I find it too difficult to "judge" anothers' walk by their appearance , actions yes , appearance no .
quote: Point being that there is no point in doing them as they get you nothing other than the feeling of having done something. (even though you didn't)
That's an excellent point Anon , because it deals with self deception . If you're just going through the motions of your faith , like the husband who comes home to find that his wife has left him , you probably think your relationship with God is just fine .
| Captain Blasto | Posted - 31 Jul 2007 : 00:53:10 First off... Just for the record and to prevent any unnecessary, premature, misguided gloating.... Arnold is from Austria ( Not Australia ) 
Second... Yeah Anon... I agree completely... I didn't mean to sound contrary (in case I did) just obtuse...
Actually I always seem to feel a little defensive about these kinds of topics because when I look at myself I never quite feel that I'm where I should and/or would like to be...(progress-wise) Spiritually and otherwise... but I guess that's the way it is for everyone... except for Axe!!!  | AnonJr | Posted - 30 Jul 2007 : 22:27:42 Gee Axeman, are you sounding off?
Capt., I agree that appearances aren't all - not everyone has the same goals and not everyone is trying to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.
However, there are some things that are just wrong. There are certain techniques that many people insist in doing out of ignorance (willing or otherwise). Some of these are ineffective at best, and some are very damaging at worst. Point being that there is no point in doing them as they get you nothing other than the feeling of having done something. (even though you didn't)
Likewise, some things are just right. Regardless of your goals in working out, you need to exhaust your body's energy stores and get the muscles to start breaking down (very different than tearing, whole other topic) before you can make your muscles bigger/stronger/whatever.
Last point (for now) being that if you know what you are looking for you can spot those going through the motions and those actually working towards a goal - "measuring up" wasn't really a part of the equation. 
Just some more semi-coherent thoughts from an over-tired programmer.  | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 30 Jul 2007 : 20:05:34 If I may weigh in, it seems as though the idea somewhat turns on the "appearances" of either physical fitness results, or spiritual authority and/or competence.
The good Captain rightfully noted that there are those strong men who don't look like much physically, but have the power to be effective. He also noted that there are those who look strong, but aren't really. Unfortunately, appearances can be seriously misleading. Obviously, appearances have a certain legitimacy, but it doesn't tell the whole story.
I think it is the same way with those who appear spiritually "powerful", but are really just toddlers with abnormally large "physique". And, of course, there are those with fairly common, and even slovenly spiritual "physiques" but are probably the most powerful believers. And, of course, even within the Christian subculture, there are those believers who promote a "get-a-sexy-Christian-'physique'-in-just-minutes-a-day" attitude.
I think Anon's analysis is sound. I also think Capt. Blasto's analysis is sound. I also think Shred's analysis is sound, but his sanity is in! | Captain Blasto | Posted - 30 Jul 2007 : 18:14:26 Chunky Monkey ....
General observations of other peoples "performance" or "effectiveness" is useful to a point... and may even spur some to change... yet I cannot help but think that The Savior's Model is to be an example... | Shredhead | Posted - 30 Jul 2007 : 03:41:15 quote: 250 curls of approx. 3 grams Chunky Monkey Ice Cream: Lethal!
First I learn about coffee that's passed through a small cat like creature , now Chunky Monkey ice cream....... I'm afraid to ask .
Personally speaking Anon , I think you're right . It's way too easy to just go through the motions of our faith.... wasn't there some guy in the OT that got toasted for offering a profane sacrifice ? Wasn't it profane because he was just going through the ritual ?
Excellent metaphors too . What happens to a muscle that's not exercised ? Same as our faith . What happens if your technique is wrong ? Isn't it possible to pray in vain , also , I know it's a little extreme , but what about that guy in Davids' army that touched the Ark ? Paul did address it though , when he told the church to get off the milk & get their teeth into some good old red roo meat .
Excellent thoughts Anon , I look forward to the book . | Captain Blasto | Posted - 29 Jul 2007 : 18:19:35 Of course I do not mean to suggest that within each of the groups that I mentioned earlier there has not been much effort and dedication given to researching the "most effective" tequniques for achieving the desired results in the shortest time possible...
of course as with all things...
( Guitar playing included ) "all technique and no and no style" makes for a somewhat impressive yet unmoving result.
5 sets/20 curls 35lbs each arm: Painful !
3 sets handstand pushups 20 reps: Dangerous !
250 curls of approx. 3 grams Chunky Monkey Ice Cream: Lethal!
| Captain Blasto | Posted - 29 Jul 2007 : 18:00:26 Ahhh... yes...
and now a note from the obtuse corner... 
I thought tearing muscles is what it's all about...
you know... "no pain... no gain" 
just not shreading them... "all pain... no gain" 
While your point is well taken I can't help but make a couple of observations...
First would be... of course as we all know not everyone has the same motives for working out... some seek to get stronger, others seek to maintain their current state of strength and/or condition, others are looking to be "body builders" (while that does not necessarily mean that they become stronger) and still others come to seemingly socialize...
Among the strongest men in the world you often find large men with rather unattractive physiques and unorthodox styles. They might go about specifically trying to increase their strength without ever giving much thought to their physique or technique... only results... if it's working for them then I guess that's okay...
Among bodybuilders you often find men with physiques that bring to mind terms like "grotesque", "mutant" and "abnormal" but if that's their thing then I guess "bully for them"...
The average looking ot even skinny guy may actually be the healthiest one of the bunch... and may have the greatest longevity...
I guess my point is that we are all different and we all have different missions/callings in the gym and in the church... Some of us might be spiritual power-lifters while others are scriptural bodybuilders or vica-versa (as long as neither creep over into narcisism). While, yet some may serve best being average and generally less intimidating to those who have not worked up the courage to have even entered the gym yet.
We can't really look so much at what other folks are doing so much as know where we are supposed to be... and then if someone comes to ask for pointers we can be available...
Just thought I'd give the old cones and rods a little retinal workout 
Just my take...  | AXEMAN2415 | Posted - 29 Jul 2007 : 10:26:31 Perhaps you should have written the next Newsletter "Editor's Lead"....very good. |