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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AnonJrPosted - 11 Jul 2009 : 13:38:58
This is just the news segment of the June 2009 Newsletter:
  • School is letting out! Drive safe, because children may be in the road
  • Please continue to remember James Matney, Mike Kindred, and David Kelsey in your prayers and petitions to the Father. While we have heard some good reports from all sides, some things still are unresolved and incomplete.
  • It is June, but we are looking toward August for a couple of show dates. As usual, nothing is etched in stone, but we'll keep you all updated.
  • June 13 is the 17th wedding anniversary of Will and his wife Juli.
  • If anyone would like to hear music samples, or post more comments to the band, check out our other sites and

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